SexMog visit to Pembrokeshire, July 24th to the 28th

Eleven of us stayed at Elm Grove Country House at St Florence, near to Tenby. Our hosts were Alan and Jane Rees-Baynes and nothing was too much trouble for them. The accommodation was excellent and food superb. Absolutely faultless.

We visited Pendine Sands and saw the newly-opened museum built in memory of Parry Thomas who died on the sands in 1927 in his 27 litre LSR car “Babs” trying to exceed the 174 mph achieved by Malcolm Campbell. The car was buried in the sand but later dug up and restored and forms to central display of the museum. Well worth a visit.

The National Trust property Stackpole was visited by many of us. It’s vast. AF&W got lost.

Trips to the monastery on Caldey Island were planned by several of us but I don’t think anyone actually went. Problems over parking in busy tourist town Tenby being to blame.

We also went to St Davids, the UK’s smallest city and saw the incredible roof of the cathedral. It was very busy. Too many ‘emmets’ (Cornish) and ‘grockles’ (Devonish) but I suppose we can’t complain too much as we were ‘emmets’ ourselves.


There were 11 Morganeers staying at the Elm Grove Hotel in St Florence, Pembrokeshire
The beach is one on the Stackpole estate, with the water lily ponds as an extra attraction.
Other visits included the Motor Museum on Pendine Sands and Picton House.
Thanks to Alan Sharpe for organising the trip.

Photos, Trudie Jacobs.