SEXMOG Variety Noggin and lunch at The Bent Arms, Lindfield. 12th January 2025

Lunch at The Bent Arms was in the upstairs hospitality room which has hosted SEXMOG events many times. We can always be guaranteed an excellent lunch with generous  plates of food here and this event was no exception,with helpful staff as usual. Several members who had not ordered puddings in advance were tempted to try them  out having seen them being delivered to others! Twenty eight members in  all attended, including Andrew and Blaine from Essex who came specially for the event. A long journey, much appreciated.

The food plates having been cleared from the table it was time to get down to the serious business of Variety and entertainment. The event was organised by our social team with Geoff Heath overseeing. Marilyn had been asked to coordinate the entertainment and to organise the running order.

Alan and Wendy were the first to entertain us musically with Alan playing the ukulele and Wendy the Auto Harp. Alan also provided the vocals. An excellent combination. They also entertained us with a number of humerous songs st the end of the event.

David played 4 songs on his resonator slide guitar, the first time that he had played in public! In between the musical offerings various poems were read including Marilyn`s “ Miss Beetle”, Karen`s self penned very funny poem about her partner`s frequent disappearances culminating in the punch lines that he had gone to grease nipples! The room erupted with laughter and Geoff Heath concluded the event with a “ shaggy dog” story about Dracula.

All in  all a great event and something different for SEXMOG. The planned walk and historical information on the village by Geoff Heath had to be postponed again due to icy weather but hopefully will be take place in the Summer.