Drive It Day – Sunday 21 April 2024
This was a very well attended event by SexMog members with 27 people and 12 Morgans, nearly all with hoods down, lined up in the car park. John and Janet Batt attended their first SexMog event.
Members taking part in Drive It Day out on a run were invited to make a pit stop for lunch and refreshments at the Cafe at Perryhill Orchards Farm Shop Cafe, a venue that SexMog visited for a Noggin in December last year. The staff at the cafe made us very welcome as they had done before and did not require pre-ordering for their extensive menu.
This was one of the few sunny days during the last few months and members were not put off by a chilly wind.

Photos above by Michael Wilson.
Photos by Trudie Jacobs
A Mog in its natural habitat, being cosseted by its worshipers.
who fortunately have some nice supervisors to ensure they behave themselves.