Spring Lunch Sunday 9 June 2024 – Haywards Heath Golf Club

12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Haywards Heath Golf Club, High Beech Lane

This year our Annual Spring Lunch, which is slightly later than usual due to other clashing events, will be held on Sunday June 9th . By then, the weather should be better suited for open top Morgan motoring, so we look forward to a good display of cars in the dedicated car park at Haywards Heath Golf Club, our venue. The meeting time is 12 noon for a get-together and chat, with lunch at 1pm. The address is High Beech Lane, Haywards Heath, RH16 1SL.

The dress code is smart casual (no shorts or denim), although interesting waistcoats are always welcome.

We will be treated to a welcome drink on arrival followed by a three course lunch with coffee or tea to finish, all for £35 per person, to include a tip.  You will find a copy of the menu attached, together with a booking form which also gives details for payment.

As usual, we will be holding our charity raffle which this year is supporting the Alzheimer’s Society in recognition of the recent death of Stuart Williamson and any suitable prize donations will be welcomed. Please make contact with Trudy Jacobs on trudie.a.jacobs@gmail.com

This year, we also plan to hold a Bring and Buy sale for your unwanted Morgan related items. Please let Jeff Deere know whether you intend to bring any items and approximate size at jeffrey_deere@hotmail.co.uk. It is suggested that a donation of 10% of all sale monies be made to club funds. There will also be a separate table for any home produce / or hobby crafts that members might like to sell, under the same arrangements.

We would like to get an idea of numbers, so it would be helpful if booking forms could be returned as soon as possible, with a deadline of May 12th, by  which time payment should be made and when any cheques need to be presented.

If you have any questions or problems with opening the documents etc. please contact us on pamandbobcare@btinternet.com or 07711624919.  Our postal address is 18 Maple Close Haywards Heath West Sussex RN16 3RN.

Pam and Bob Care

Morgan Sports Car Club – Brighton Centre

Annual Spring Lunch

Haywards Heath Golf Club

Sunday 9th June 2024 – 12 Noon for 1 pm.

Welcome Drink on Arrival


Home-made Ham Hock Terrine with Piccalilli and Green Salad 


Avocado and Smoked Bacon Salad with Balsamic Glaze (GF)


Tomato & Shallot Tart with Pesto Crème Fraiche and Soft Leaf Salad (V)

Main Courses

(All with Crushed New Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables)

Home-made Beef and Vegetable Casserole with Herb Dumplings


Chicken, Pancetta & Tarragon Pie with Puff Pastry Lid


Chef’s Homemade Seafood Pie (GF)


Tian of Mediterranean Vegetables, Red Pepper Coulis and Basil Oil (V, GF)


Toffee Apple Brioche Pudding with Clotted Cream (V)


Eton Mess with Seasonal Fruits (V, GF)


A Selection of English, Sussex or Continental Cheeses, served with Savoury Crackers, Chutney and Seasonal Fruit (can be GF)

To Finish 

Coffee or Tea & Mints


MSCC Brighton Centre Annual Spring Lunch Booking Form

Haywards Heath Golf Club – Sunday June 9th 2024

12 Midday for 1 pm


Name(s) __________________________ E-mail___________________________________

Menu Choices (Please state A, B, C or D etc. on form below) – See main menu for details.

Starter.             A   Ham Hock Terrine

                           B   Avocado and Smoked Bacon Salad (GF)

                           C   Tomato and Shallot Tart (V)

Main.               D   Beef Casserole

                           E   Chicken, Pancetta and Tarragon Pie

                           F   Seafood Pie ( GF)

                        G   Tian of Mediterranean Vegetables (V, GF)

Desserts          H   Toffee Apple Brioche Pudding (V)

                        I    Eton Mess with Seasonal Fruits (V, GF)

                        J   Cheese     (If GF required, write GF after your choice letter below i.e. JGF)

Name­______________                                   Starter______ Main______ Dessert_______

Name­______________                                   Starter______ Main______ Dessert_______

Name­______________                                   Starter______ Main______ Dessert______

Tables.     Do you wish to sit with anyone in particular?  If so, please state names below.



Payment. Please make payment of £35 per person. If you wish to pay by Bank Transfer, details are Metro Bank, Account Name – The Morgan Sports Car Club Brighton Centre, Sort Code 23-05-80, Account Number 44566583.  Payment can also be made by Cheque made payable to MSCC Brighton Centre.

Please return form as soon as possible (latest by May 12th ). Payment should be made by May 12th, by either bank transfer or by handing cheque to or sending to Pam or Bob Care, 18 Maple Close, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 3RN or by e-mail to pamandbobcare@btintenet.com.


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